Articles | August 20, 2024

Organizational Resilience Leads to Change Management Success

Organizational resilience is the ability of an organization to adapt to changes, both expected and unexpected. Key characteristics of resilient organizations include the ability to anticipate, prepare, respond and adapt to changes.

Being resilient is particularly advantageous when projects take longer than anticipated. An example is implementing a Pension Administration System, which, on average, takes 44 percent longer than projected.

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Organizational Resilience Leads to Change Management Success Download Now

The relationship between building organizational resilience and successful change management is discussed in an article published in the Summer 2024 issue of PERSist, the newsletter of the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS), which you can access from this page, with permission from NCPERS.

The article covers:

  • The benefits of building organizational resiliency
  • How resiliency improves an organization’s capacity to cope with multiple, concurrent changes
  • The key differences between organizational resilience and traditional change management
  • Steps to build resiliency

Organizational resilience is about building and maintaining robust and adaptive teams that can navigate through challenges and emerge stronger on the other side.

In the NCPERS 2024 Public Retirement Systems Study, two of the top trends in business practices are updating or enhancing administrative software and updating or enhancing a mobile app for members. Changes like these make resilience a strategic imperative for long-term organizational success.

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