Archived Insight | December 8, 2020

This Health Cost Infographic Summarizes Health Cost Trend

Cost trends for most medical plans and prescription drug coverage are projected to increase for 2021. 

That's one of the key findings from the 2021 Segal Health Plan Cost Trend Survey

The report goes into detail on many aspects of health cost trend and covers cost management strategies. But if you're looking for key findings at a glance, we've summarized some of them in this health cost infographic. 

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What this infographic covers

Get an at-a-glance summary of trend projections for: 

  • Open-access PPO/POS plans
  • HMO plans
  • HSA-qualified HDHPs
  • Outpatient prescription drug coverage (excluding PDM rebates)

You'll also get a quick summary of projections for:

  • Specialty Rx/biologic trend
  • Non-specialty Rx trend

Plus, we cover plan sponsors’ 2020 top-five cost-management strategies.  

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Get the full survey

This health cost infographic summarizes key data from our major annual report on health cost trend. 

The report covers projections for costs in 2021 as well as a range of strategies plan sponsors might use to manage costs next year. 

We also cover the possible effect of COVID-19 on health cost trend in 2021. 


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