Archived Insight | July 23, 2020

Meeting Plan Participants' Emotional Needs During COVID-19

These days, many people are navigating self-quarantine, work disruptions, makeshift work-from-home environments and increased financial stress. Caregiver duties, such as helping school-age children and older or sick individuals, adds to stress and exhaustion. 
Plan sponsors can plan a role in supporting mental well-being which in turn helps maintain health, productivity, and morale.

In this webinar recording you will learn:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on mental health in general and within at-risk populations
  • Lessons learned from past epidemics and quarantine
  • Solutions that can help
  • Relaxed regulatory barriers to telehealth
  • A mental health strategy for COVID-19 and beyond

You can also download the slides.

plan participants emotional needs covid

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