Archived Insight | June 18, 2020

Addressing COVID-19 Health Benefit Compliance Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred the creation of new federal laws and regulatory guidance that health and welfare plan sponsors need to understand. Our webinar helped answer the most pressing questions that sponsors currently grapple with, providing insight on how these organizations can weather not only the current crisis, but the new normal that comes after.

Topics included:

  • The latest intelligence on additional coronavirus-related legislation, including potential subsidies for continuation of health coverage
  • What coverage should be provided for COVID-19 testing under federal law
  • How the mandatory COBRA, HIPAA Special Enrollment, and claims and appeals delays work in practice
  • What sponsors of flex plans need to know about the voluntary election change rules in Notices 2020-29 and 2020-33
  • Other health compliance concerns we can expect in the coming weeks
health compliance covid webinar

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