Archived Insight | April 14, 2020

As Organizations Go Remote, Cyber Crime is on the Rise

As many organizations go remote due to COVID-19, cyber crime is on the rise.

We checked in with Segal SVP and Consultant Matt Jackson on what this means for cyber liability insurance, now and in the future.

Three IT Engineers Programmers Talking About Work Using Computers With Data Server Racks

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

Unsure about your cyber liability insurance policy?

We can help. Request a free policy review.

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See more insights on COVID-19

Medical Doctor Attending To A Female Patient

Key Factors Impacting Health Plan Cost Trends

Our infographic reveals your health plan costs; with insights from SHAPE’s exclusive data from large U.S. health plans covering over 4 million lives.
Pharmacist Explaining Medication To Woman

What Are the Projected 2024 Health Plan Cost Trends?

COVID's influence on the health system has steadied, as the 2024 Segal Health Plan Cost Trend Survey anticipates ongoing plateaued cost trends.
Female Nurse Asks Young Woman Questions For Record

New COVID-19 and Preventive Services Guidance for HDHPs

Learn more about the guidance and its implications for health plan sponsors.

Explore all COVID-19 information

We’re regularly publishing information on the coronavirus as the situation changes.


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