Client Stories


June 27, 2022

Clean Up Your Data to Lower Your PBGC Rates

Bad data can cost you more than you think. Learn how we cleaned things up for a client and saved them a bundle.

Retirement, Corporate

June 06, 2022

Managing Data for Defined Benefit Pension Plan Termination

Our journey consulting service helps guarantee that you base some of your most difficult decisions around good data. Read how in this client story.

Retirement, Healthcare Industry

April 20, 2022

How an Improved Insurance Program Transformed Service

See how we helped resolve a voluntary benefits claims issue.

Health, Insurance


September 14, 2021

How to Simplify Your Insurance Coverage

This is how we made a complex insurance coverage situation easier for a client.


September 10, 2021

Obtaining Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage Quickly

Read how we helped a TPA obtain cyber liability coverage quickly to solve their security concerns.

Benefits Administration, Benefits Technology, Insurance, Cybersecurity consulting

June 09, 2021

Competitive Medical Stop-Loss Insurance Starts with Bids

Assessing the relative value of a particular stop-loss policy’s coverage can be tough. The best way is through seeking regular competitive bids.

Health, Insurance

March 04, 2021

Legacy System Modernization: Make it Better Than New

Upgrading your current pension and benefit administration system can help you cost-effectively increase efficiency and users’ satisfaction.

Technology, Public Sector, ATC

February 10, 2021

How a Review of One Medical Claim Saved $2.7M

Across a range of clients, we've helped plans save several millions of dollars by reviewing their claims. Here's how we helped just one.

Benefits Administration


November 30, 2020

How Much Fiduciary Liability Insurance Do I Need?

Read how we helped a new multiemployer health fund arrive at the right amount of coverage.

Insurance, Multiemployer Plans

September 22, 2020

M&A Readiness Keeps Your M&A Integration Plan On Track

Even if you're already in the midst of your merger or acquisition, our M&A readiness assessment can still identify and solve key challenges.

Organizational Effectiveness, Mergers Acquisitions, Architecture Engineering & Construction, Corporate

May 27, 2020

Process Redesign Keeps Your Organization Working

We’ll help you chart a course to success with our process mapping consulting.

Technology, Organizational Effectiveness, Higher Education, Corporate

May 26, 2020

Organizational Assessment Tools Keep Your People Focused

Your first step toward improving your organization is knowing what you need to do better.

Technology, Organizational Effectiveness, Higher Education, Corporate


December 11, 2019

HR Effectiveness Holds It All Together

Improving the operations of your HR department leads to a better, more efficient organization. Let us help.

Organizational Effectiveness, Public Sector

December 05, 2019

Strategy Execution Helps You Stick the Landing

The best plan in the world won't help your organization if you botch the execution. We'll help you succeed with strategy execution consulting.

Organizational Effectiveness, Healthcare Industry

November 26, 2019

Retirement Plan Design — Your Most Important Benefit

You can't expect to have a successful retirement plan without top-notch design. Read on to find out how we can help.


November 08, 2019

Health Plan Design That Works for Your People and Your Bottom Line

We'll help you with health plan design that works for your people and your bottom line.


November 06, 2019

Reduce Healthcare Costs with Analytics

We can help you how to simplify and lower the associated expenses with our holistic, comprehensive healthcare cost reduction service.

Health, Technology, Public Sector

November 05, 2019

Retirement Plan Governance Protects Your People's Future

Our people will help you keep on top of new regulations and best practices to make sure your DC retirement plan remains safe.

Retirement, Multiemployer Plans

October 17, 2019

Proper Talent Planning Makes Every Day Feel Like a Friday

Attracting the right people to your organization — and keeping them happy — solves more problems than you can imagine.

Compensation & Careers, Pharmaceutical

April 13, 2019

Effective Performance Management—Helping Your People Be Their Best

Learn how we help organizations become better at getting the most from their people.

Compensation & Careers

February 28, 2019

How Compensation Structure Gives Your Organization an Edge

Without the proper compensation structure, your organization will bleed money and talent. Here's how we'll help.

Compensation & Careers

February 01, 2019

Protecting Your Pension Plans From Start to Finish

Your people will depend on their pension plans for decades of retirement living. Make sure you've built a plan that lasts.


January 25, 2019

Defined Contribution Analytics Save Time, Money and Talent

How we saved an organization revenue and talent by vastly improving engagement with the group’s 401(k) plan.


January 14, 2019

Workforce Analytics—Solving Problems You Didn't Know You Had

What you don’t know can hurt you. Find out how.

Organizational Effectiveness


November 05, 2018

Succession Management Guarantees Your Organization's Legacy

We'll help secure your organization's future with our succession management consulting.

Organizational Effectiveness

September 27, 2018

Defined Contribution Plan Consulting Helps Protect Your People

Our team will help you build and maintain your defined contribution plan so both you and your people enjoy peace of mind about the future. 


September 05, 2018

Total Reward Strategies — How to Keep Employees Hooked

Your organization is only as good as the people who work for it. Make sure your total rewards strategies bring in the right employees.

Compensation & Careers

August 10, 2018

Career Growth Consulting Gives Your Organization a Path to Success

Help yourself by helping your people thrive in their careers at your organization.

Compensation & Careers

July 30, 2018

Sales Force Effectiveness Can Make or Break Your Company

How we can raise your organization's sales force effectiveness to keep bringing in the business.

Organizational Effectiveness

July 17, 2018

Pay For Performance—How To Make Sure You Get Your Money's Worth

Getting the most out of your people means making sure you're linking pay for performance

Compensation & Careers