Archived Insight | June 22, 2021

How Corporate Boards Should Manage Human Capital Risk

In this article for Chief Executive, our senior vice president Fred Hencke discusses what board members can do to mitigate human capital risk.

With the tide of pandemic shutdowns and restrictions receding from the business world, employers and employees have begun to take stock of the changed landscape and can agree on one conclusion — nothing’s going back to the way it was before. Many of the strategies corporate leaders previously used to minimize human capital risk no longer work, and responsible board members have a role to play in making sure their organization is prepared for today’s risks, rather than those in the past.

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What you’ll find in this article

Fred Hencke, a seasoned consultant with more than 35 years of experience in executive leadership and coaching, innovation lifecycle management, business strategy development and more, shares his thoughts on how corporate board members can meet today’s human capital risk management challenge. Some of the topics this article covers:

  • DEI and the corporate environment
  • New remote work expectations among employees
  • Innovative metrics for measuring human capital

Download the article for more insight on this pressing problem.

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