Archived Insight | November 19, 2019

Social Engineering Fraud (SEF): Is Your Plan at Risk?

Has your plan experienced financial losses related to social engineering fraud? When cybercriminals assume the identity of a trusted individual in order to deceive people into providing confidential, personal information or property, your plan is at risk.

Listen to Diane McNally and Candice Germain discuss:

  • What SEF is and what it means for your plan
  • How real-world SEF examples can help manage your plan’s risk
  • What your plan can do about SEF today 

Get a complimentary assessment of your plan’s insurance coverage. Segal Select Insurance will review your policy and, as applicable, use our comprehensive benchmarking database to tell you how your limit of liability and premium costs compare to the market.

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Still have questions about social engineering fraud? Let's talk.

Get in touch with one of our insurance professionals today to learn more.

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This page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to discuss the issues raised here with your legal, tax and other advisors before determining how the issues apply to your specific situations.